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Dr Amanjit Kaur Ahluwalia MBBS MD
One of the consultant doctor is suggesting few of TRU HAIR & SKIN Products

Dr Amanjit Kaur Ahluwalia MBBS MD
One of the consultant doctor is suggesting few of TRU HAIR & SKIN Products

We have analysed your answers from our uniquely designed 3 Factor Analysis to understand your Demography, SkinType & Lifestyle.

We have taken into consideration that you are a with , facing the issue of and based on your lifestyle.

Ingredients you need to improve your skin health

Based on your answers, we have suggested a set of ingredients that your skin requires and have curated a step by step skin care routine for you.


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1 month pack
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2 month pack
You Pay ₹--/month
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3 month pack
You Pay ₹--/month
-- (30% Off)

Add-on Products

Get FREE Hair Conditioner/Hair Wax Cream on orders above ₹ 890.00


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  • Which kit is the best for me?

  • What does the kit contain?

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  • Are Tru hair's products safe to use?

  • What is Salicylic Acid?

  • Is Salicylic Acid safe for skin?

  • What are the benefits of Salicylic Acid?

2,28,023 customers have seen visible results after using our Anti-acne combo suggested by this Skin analysis

Customer Reviews


Please note, this analysis is not a clinical diagnosis, and does not cover your allergies. If problem still persist please consult a Physician.

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